News App

In Qub News, users find a complete media platform: news, live events, audio news, Qub TV.

It is a mobile application of regional news and live streaming. This is available on both smart phones, laptops, tablets, and other devices that use the same operating systems.


Qub News is a platform that provides access to local, national and international news via the News symbol. The subjects are played back and audio via the radio symbol. The user can be in the middle of events in the country by pressing the Event symbol.

The Qub TV programs can be watched via the TV symbol. Information, suggestions, and other news data can be sent via the mailing symbol.

The basic idea

In Qub News, users find a complete media platform: news, live events, audio news, Qub TV, in one application


The Qub News app facilitates access to the most important events and provides up-to-date, useful information. Users navigate easily into the content of the app and can engage in content dynamics. Qub News is available on both Android and iOS.

App features

The app is loaded with news content only by designated Qub publishers and the news will be published either directly on the mobile or later on the PC or laptop. Within the app, Qub publishers will upload the news, make live broadcasts that they can later convert into a news story and upload commercial ads.


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